Why it’s OK to vote without ID

Recently, our good friend master bandleader Richard “Swingin’ Dick” Long was married in a wonderful, blessed, and happy ceremony. He and his new bride were (and are) ecstatic and on cloud 9 ! Truly a joyous event and they have their newfound wedding license and certificate. Not only was it a wonderful emotional event, butContinue reading “Why it’s OK to vote without ID”

Without exception, ALL mandates are bad

From the ‘thought of the day’ department of our staff. By definition, something must be ‘mandated’ because an individual, group, or entity will not take the voluntary action on its own. Given that the founding of our nation was to recognize a free and independent people, these people are granted rights of free choice. AContinue reading “Without exception, ALL mandates are bad”

Looks like they’re going to ban the Horse

Our staff read with interest the Biden Regime’s new mandate forcing people into EVs; the EPA quietly propagating its rule requiring auto manufacturers to make a high percentage of EVs by 2032 (which isn’t that far away). Propagandized as ‘zero emission,’ these vehicles simply move whatever pollution they make from the tailpipe to the powerContinue reading “Looks like they’re going to ban the Horse”

Do springs take a ‘set’ ?

We at D-J tailor to all kinds of clients and many are very technically minded. Like us, most of them are highly successful and have spent their life staying away from the ‘woke’ mentality as well as nanny state agenda. They reject the ‘stakeholder’ concept. They scoff at the “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity ” (DIE)Continue reading “Do springs take a ‘set’ ?”

Whodunnit ?

Here at D-J, we cater to all kinds of clients. While we can help many, some we do have to show the door. It’s important to remember a person’s role in life. While Almighty God runs the show (and has the ultimate hammer as well as grace), God gives man free will. This paradoxical (andContinue reading “Whodunnit ?”

Locking yourself out of your own house

We at D-J love our clients. We also get alot of distraught clients who’ve been given bad advice by folks with many nicely framed pieces of paper on walls with nice seals. All we can say is beware of ‘experts’ toting expensive paper. Nothing against nice pieces of paper; most of our staff have these. But weContinue reading “Locking yourself out of your own house”

A very Merry Christmas from all the good folks at D-J

Keshawndra and I would like to extend our sincere wish for a very Merry Christmas to all of you ! And our hopes that 2024 will be a year of blessing and joy for you and your family. We are extremely grateful for all the fine work our staff has accomplished over the past year andContinue reading “A very Merry Christmas from all the good folks at D-J”

Warnings, Cautions, and Notes

The other day, one of our clients lamented reading his car owners’ manual–he was simply looking for how to reset the auto-window system and couldn’t find it. Seems it’s full of ‘chaff’ in the form of legalese telling him that if he does something dumb he can get hurt or killed. But more than just ‘sport bitching’Continue reading “Warnings, Cautions, and Notes”

A quick word on ‘Bidenomics’

We think ALL of America recognizes that under the Biden regime energy prices have essentially doubled (largely due to the insane EPA war on fossil fuels driven by the CO2 causing ‘climate change’ myth). There is no good reason for this; simply a group of marxists using energy as an excuse to push an agendaContinue reading “A quick word on ‘Bidenomics’”