Shaving Points and Rigging Elections

We’ve been approached by several clients regarding the recent 2022 election with their disbelief and dismay over the perception that the majority of American people are unwise or stupid. While there IS a significant portion of the population which can be manipulated by propaganda, our political consultants see this as perhaps one-third of the general population; not even close to a majority. So, what happened ?

Rarely have point-shaving schemes in baseball, basketball, or football involved an entire team; usually only one or two extremely competent players (a notable exception being the 1919 World Series and the ‘Black Sox’ scandal). The objective of this varies; while sometimes it’s to throw the entire game usually it’s simply to decrease the point spread such that bookmakers can make money. A clever ‘variation of the tune’ is to extend interest in the game (making it closer) such that TV advertisers can make more money during commercial breaks because more people are tuned in. Interestingly enough this takes even MORE skill from the corrupted player in that he’s got to manage the point spread such that the team still wins and it doesn’t look too obvious that he’s doing what he’s doing. With many of the other factors of the game beyond his control. Similar to an amateur golfer playing with some bigwig client he wishes to entice who’s a decent golfer but not all that good and letting him win but not by too much.

Anyone who’s been the victim of some form of identity theft knows fraudsters are extremely clever. In fact, if these individuals would devote their time and talent to more legitimate causes they’d be very successful. The schemes usually involve some form of advertising and/or hacking to gain information from someone (sometimes not even the particular target) and then fraudulently opening cascading accounts to obtain credit and cash. This can even extend to tangible assets and titles of property. While it’s unlikely a fraudster can permanently grab all of the assets of a target, he CAN get significant resources from a third party in the process based upon the credit of a target’s assets.

So–could these concepts be used to sway an election ? Absolutely. And we are seeing it happening right now. Voting IS important — but who counts the vote and the process involved is even MORE important. Notably–just as in the point shaving example–it doesn’t take a huge conspiracy to make this happen–only targeting some specific areas in the nation to ‘shave the voting points.’ Before 2020, this was relatively difficult in that absentee ballots were controlled–and issued and counted with a strong degree of verification. But the excuse of covid changed all that. To the extent of providing a vehicle (via ‘cheat by mail’) where large amounts of manipulated ballots could be harvested, manipulated, and erroneously counted. No longer was positive ID required in physically showing up in a voting place (or even diligently verifying that absentee ballots were indeed legitimate registered voters with a good reason–like military members stationed outside the state or disabled persons–and were signed under the penalty of law for only the recipient). It became a free-for-all dependent only on the intent of the vote certifying authority to qualify votes.

We turned to our statistical analysis expert-on-staff Shawanna Washington to quantify this–and she was gracious enough to permit a transcript of her analysis to be quoted on site:

“Take Pennsylvania for example. You have an overwhelming Republican state legislature with a democratic executive largely elected by small areas of the state with high population density–Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. This executive entity via the Governor and Secretary of State–the vote counting authority–illegally modify voting procedures under the excuse of covid such that widespread, relatively uncontrolled ballots can be sent out and harvested. According to law, this requires a constitutional vote to do which never happens; it was done simply by fiat. And provides a massive opportunity for fraud. Republican candidates are leading in the 2020 election; the election is stopped, and magically a huge dump of democrat votes appears. Now, the point shaving doesn’t have to be HUGE–just enough to sway certain selected areas over to democrat. This also provides plausible deniability when allegations are later made. The OTHER mail-in states use similar tactics. We’d expect Illinois, California, and New York (among others) to go strongly democrat–but the fraudsters simply target the swing states and in specific districts to provide enough ‘votes’ to get them over the finish line. It’s not a one-dimensional process; we’ve seen illegal conspiracy between Federal officials and social-media giants to manipulate information flow in order to squash legitimate concerns from being voiced in a public forum. And we all know that the democratic cities were happy to let ANTIFA and BLM burn their cities to intimidate voters while then labelling a relatively benign (and truly the definition of a ‘mostly peaceful protest’) event on January 6th challenging the fraudulent results as an ‘insurrection.’ Taking political prisoners to attempt to intimidate others from speaking up. And coming up with a dog and pony show (along with media propaganda) to frame the event as something it wasn’t. Illegal immigrant gang members, violent crime perpetrators, violent protestors outside of Supreme Court Justices’ homes, Fentanyl traffickers, etc. were all ignored while the DOJ set its sights on anyone questioning the 2020 election — and on parents of schoolchildren who opposed communist indoctrination of their kids. This ‘cheat by mail’ process allows the democrats to initially take, and then later solidify their positions in political process by controlling the vote counting process and manipulating it at will.

It’s a perfect storm of sorts. Federal courts have largely (and constitutionally properly) thrown the voting issue back to the states and deferring to state law (constitutionally it falls in the lap of the respective state legislatures). So gaining Federal intervention in state voting law is difficult–even MORE difficult when the regime in power WANTS the state to fraudulently vote for their party. Previously democratic elected state court judges see an opportunity to perpetuate their position and power (this notoriously happened in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court when they illegally denied the constitutional challenge to fraud-by-mail). The weasels are guarding the henhouse.

I mean, look at the 2022 election in Arizona. The Secretary of State–the democrat vote counter for the state–is running for governor against Kari Lake. This presents an obvious conflict of interest; one which–absent recusal–would result in criminal prosecution in political bodies ranging from city council through state legislature. The ‘councilman’ is voting for a road construction project in the town contracted to the construction company he owns. Not surprisingly, on Election Day we saw huge encumbrances towards physical in-person voting (with machines unexpectedly ‘crashing’) and later ballot dumps (which have the statistically impossible position of ALWAYS favoring democrats). It’s farcical. And not even as subtile as a point shaving scheme.

Florida and Texas — with strong voter verification laws — had no problems tallying their votes. They make reasonable accommodation for people who might be absent from voting due to military service or disability while at the same time preserving voter integrity. And disallowing the easily manipulated ‘cheat by mail’ scheme. There were no significant delays, counting stops, or under-cover-of-darkness ballot dumps. We hope that other states might embrace that model.

The probability of Pennsylvania electing Fetterman is extremely remote–as was the state unexpectedly going for Biden in 2020. In Fetterman’s case it’s not so much that he has severe cognitive disability but more that he’s been a professional vagrant all his life and that everything he’s touched in his professional life turned to shiite. Same as for most of the states in our nation; we’re seeing greater than 10% inflation, doubling and tripling of energy costs, families taking on debt just to try to live, food prices doubling, Soviet-union style shortages, perverts running amok, you name it. We sit on the verge of economic collapse while democrats urge MORE public spending. “Climate Change” and “decarbonization” have been exposed for the scams they are; their strongest proponents guzzle energy in jets and mansions, buy beachfront property, and turn to DIESEL generators with huge tanks–not windmills–to provide their energy needs. Crime has skyrocketed while democrats attempt to disarm those who would fight crime. NO amount of social media or news media control can circumvent these facts; the ‘billboard’ is right on the utility bills, gas pumps, and food price. So, no — rest assured the American people are NOT that stupid. Given the overwhelming influx of people INTO Florida and Texas, the demographic there represents not only the likely demographic across average America, but also the results are statistically representative of an unadulterated vote across the nation. Significant deviations from this in swing states represent ‘red flags’ that votes have been manipulated.

What’s happened is ‘point shaving’ through ballot manipulation. Like I said it’s a multi-faceted approach using propaganda media to ‘cheer on’ the communist democrats while excoriating any implication of impropriety. Notably THEY are the ones who’ve been questioning any election that didn’t go their way over the last several decades yet would sick the law on those questioning THEIR elections. The evidence is overwhelming. Main stream media outlets banter the message, social media trolls excoriate those with legitimate questions, Big Media shuts down ANYONE who factually and competently alleges there is fraud, and the DOJ locks up people who compile evidence OF the fraud. It’s not new; it’s Stalinistic. One would expect Republicans to rally to fight it, except many of them are on the fix as well; content to keep the yin-yang game going while they feed of the American people.

But I’m not overly worried; history is full of comeuppances for would-be miscreants. Unfortunately there is some extreme pain while this happens. It should be clear to thinking Americans that point shaving to sway an election did happen, and as such the elections where this happened lose all legitimacy. A regime ‘elected’ in a scam has no real authority because the consent to govern didn’t come from the people. And that’s what we have; an illegitimate regime no different than any other banana republic. If I was a conspiracy theorist I’d say the 2020 and 2022 elections look exactly like what the CIA has done in OTHER countries the US has tried to manipulate throughout the years and we all know how THOSE turned out. The American people will remove any authority the illegitimate regime thinks it has. By whatever means they believe appropriate. They are wise to the point shaving scheme the democrats have adopted.”

Here at D-J, we think she’s spot on. And wish the American people well in their fight to maintain the constitutional republic.

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